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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lavender Fields

This spring lavender is so abundant on my Carmel Valley property that I had to photograph it to show you all how beautiful this flower is and how prolific it can be. Lavender is drought and deer resistant so it is a favorite shrub on my property where deer abound and water is scarce during the summer months. Lavender, when extracted for its essential oil is often called "first aid kit in a bottle." It is used as a balancer and stress reliever and is balancing for dry or oily skin. It is healing to burns and bites and outbreaks of the skin because it is cytophylactic, or cell regenerating. Lavender is comforting and deeply relaxing. That is why I put it in our herbal ease eye pillows. We also use lavender in our Sun Therapy Face and Body Mist, in our Skin Therapy Hydrating Mist and as one of our featured single note essential oils.

The abundance of blooms that display during our springtime is so uplifting to me that in fact, it becomes color therapy to me! I look at the various shades and colors and textures against the backdrop of Steinbeck's "pastures of heaven," where I live. I wanted to share this colorful array with you. When I drive into my driveway and look at this view and the colors, I am immediately renewed and uplifted.

posted by Tara at 1 Comments

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